You're Invited: Diablo III Beta Test


New Member
Sep 7, 2006
Suck it bitches!

Congratulations! You've been selected to participate in the Diablo III beta test.

As a beta test participant, you'll have the chance to check out all five hero classes -- barbarian, witch doctor, wizard, monk, and demon hunter. You'll fight your way through part of Act I and go head-to-skull against the Skeleton King, taking him on alone or cooperatively with other adventurers. You'll also get to meet up with some of the artisans, followers, and other key characters from Sanctuary, and try out the game's skill and crafting systems.

At the same time, you'll be helping us test the stability of the Battle.netВ® service and fine-tune the game balance prior to launch.

Before you can play, you'll first need to create a BattleTagв„ў nickname, a new player-chosen handle that will identify you across all of in the future -- in other Blizzard games, on our websites, and in our forums. Make sure to choose a name you'll be happy with in the long run. For more information, read the BattleTag FAQ.

We also invite you to share your Diablo III beta experience with the world! All participants can take screen shots, capture video, and/or publicly disclose information about their beta test experience.

We look forward to hearing your feedback, and we'll see you on!
Bahh I've been wanting to play.. if anyone has a key/or could let me borrow their account for the beta that'd be sweeeet.