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I'd like to offer my services to everyone.. here's a free sample.

Real Name: Willy Wonka

Handle : Virem

Alternate handles: Mini-Everything

Residence: Charlie's Chocolate Factory

Age: 120 (that's like a teenager to us ompaa lompaas)

Occupation: I work the caramel canal in Charlie's Chocolate Factory

Favorite game(s): Micromachines racing

Least favorite game(s): Big Game Hunting

Games played in past: I like all games. They make me feel like a big man.

Favorite movie(s): SMALL Time Crooks by Woodie Allen

Most memorable gaming experience(s)? First time I ate a mushroom in Super Mario Brothers and GREW TWICE MY SIZE!
What you would do if you won the lottery? Buy platform shoes and move permanently into the It's A SMALL World After All ride at Disneyland.

Hobbies (other than gaming)? Rescuing Smurfette from Gargamel.

Quote: Small things come in small condoms.

Any other stupid shit you want the world to know about you? I once tried to hang myself from a door knob but my mom saw me and cut me down.... oh ya.. I'M SMALL.
Its my firm belief that the real doomgaze is the biggest fucking moron i have come across in my exsistance.

Guy has no life
No job
Sits on his PC for 16 hours a day (This confirmed by friends) and plays online games.
He does nothing but obsess about his past

Guy actually thinks i dropped 9k on the webpage.. I put 1000$ up there as a joke, people thought i was serious, so i changed it to 4500$, noway ANYONE would believe that.. well they did.. So i changed it to 8900$ thinking noway any retard would believe i dropped 9k on a webpage.

But of course, there was 1 retard.
I still remember when Doomgaze decided to threaten me that he would get KoC to come after myself and my friends because of something stupid that he had nothing to do with in UO. So the very next day we camped his in game house, stealthed in and cleaned it out. Then waitted for him to recall back in and when he did he saw us and we left. Later that night he had one post on the KOC forums.

"I just want everyone to now I really hate Lothos!"