Whats up fools???? It's been too long

Darkshier -KoC-

New Member
Aug 28, 2013
Hey guys its Darkshier from Chesapeake KoC represent!! Lol, I ran into someone on SWTOR and we got talking about UO and he happened to be an old guildie and he told me about this site, I knew about it but wasn't sure it still existed. Great memories just wanted to see whats up if anyone plays SWTOR hit me up or if KoC is still active in any other games im always in for some killin!!! Keep it real.. .Whats up SethDrone!!!
haha hey man, watcha been up to? who did you see in SWTOR?

We all played when it releases but it was a huge disappointment, we're currently playing Darkfall. www.darkfallonline.com

Should come try it out, its a pvp/full loot game.
I saw Inferno playing from KoC and a bunch of others from different guilds. Yeah maybe I will check Darkfall out thats what I need some full loot shit!!! Im gonna download that for sure, good talkin to ya man hopefully that game is cool ill hit you up.
Its nothing serious, game still so screwy i doubt any of us could really even get much game time together before endless oddball server drops, screen fressing, random graphic errors leavin u lookin at ur desktop after u just stole a transport heli in midair from 6 guys, or runnin ur first 50-0 armor match team mvp spot. without camping
if you went to website/forums o, or steam it was on steam greenlight, and you can buy game there as well

other then that i dont remeber there being any free trials but i havnt played for several months
Ahhh shitty.. maybe ill buy it while its on sale id really like to try it first though oh well.... I started messing around on Marvel Heroes which is basically Diablo with Marvel guys so if anyone is on there hit me up name is Darkshier.

xbox live - derek4real315
everything else - Darkshier
Hey just found this board. I was a KoC member on NOS...been far too long so i dont remember all my names on there. What are you guys playing? Anyone playing CoD Ghosts? Any new sandbox games out like UO? I havent found anything even close to the fun i had pking in UO :(