What blood/koc did for online games

claw storm

New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Nice to see blood here on DF even if I dont get in, my best days was fighting you guys in tls. Granted we normally got rolled cause of shit leaders ect but I think if blood was never a part of ac dt I would not have played that game past 01.

Even befor my tls days I will never forget people like britney spears in rithwic owning newbs left and right, or ua killer in holt, also seeing blood and watching like 15 newbs chase him down the hill in holt and he was like 50ish.

So maybe with this game some of this might come back in a few months, and without players like blood, ect these games would most likely blow since no one wants a bunch of carebears running shit.
Are you mentally retarded? The reason I ask this, you are bragging about killing a lower lvl in noob goblins and saying KoC has gone soft. Wow everyone starts as a lower lvl and there has never been a rule that people cant hunt with others outside the clan.
claw storm said:
Nice to see blood here on DF even if I dont get in, my best days was fighting you guys in tls. Granted we normally got rolled cause of shit leaders ect but I think if blood was never a part of ac dt I would not have played that game past 01.

Even befor my tls days I will never forget people like britney spears in rithwic owning newbs left and right, or ua killer in holt, also seeing blood and watching like 15 newbs chase him down the hill in holt and he was like 50ish.

So maybe with this game some of this might come back in a few months, and without players like blood, ect these games would most likely blow since no one wants a bunch of carebears running shit.

oh wait you are...

sniffle..... Do you need a bear hug? Stop hiding in the newb zones...
just ganna wait for a time when someone like addy comes allong and splits the blood/koc bandwagoners up again.

you guys are funny

and yes I am retarded!!!! are you sane?

I rememeber you mega and wilkanator or whatever you used to group with in gw lol.

You were the biggest O.o on DT end of storey and all of your chars were bought or you used blood to get levels...
I would attempt to actually respond to your post but I'm having trouble trying to comprehend any of your incoherent babbling.
SethDrone-=KoC=- said:
I would attempt to actually respond to your post but I'm having trouble trying to comprehend any of your incoherent babbling.

ok so please dont, cause im not ganna respond besides this, you guys are all the carebear bandwagon wanna be bloods the real bloods have been long gone for years, change the banana with a knife to a carebear and we will call you keepers of carebears.

oh yeah and your affected seth funny how you post on my app for sun lol fool.

and read this you carebears might learns something, like your not the originals and your nothing like you used to be sept for a small few, the originals are long gone and funny you use the tag blood in this game lol.

http://www.keepers-of-chaos.com/post/Ke ... story.html

thanks for a sponsor..peace carebears
Im proud of every carebear crying before they actually got owned yet.

Claw next time just bring your friends!
Dear Clown Storm-

Actually dumbass Seth, Zeke, , Rak myself (sorry for everyone I missed!).. and about 4 others where around when AC opened up and created Blood... Which soon after many of our old Chessy friends\enemies ended up joining up for the same cause. And most of them if not more are here on the DF server with us. Stop crying you got bitch slapped already.

Are you really this stupid?

lol thanks for the laugh, this one is priceless. Way to make yourself look like a fucking retard.

If we are not the real Blood monarchy then I wonder who is considering there was no Blood monarchy on DT before we started it...

Even Kagen who played Blood from 1-44 before Zeke got the account had chosen not to make a monarchy but to be sworn to DD.

Get a clue...

claw storm said:
you guys are all the carebear bandwagon wanna be bloods the real bloods have been long gone for years, change the banana with a knife to a carebear and we will call you keepers of carebears.

oh yeah and your affected seth funny how you post on my app for sun lol fool.

and read this you carebears might learns something, like your not the originals and your nothing like you used to be sept for a small few, the originals are long gone and funny you use the tag blood in this game lol.

http://www.keepers-of-chaos.com/post/Ke ... story.html

thanks for a sponsor..peace carebears
you guys still dont get it, you guys didnt make shit but a name, the idea of greif pvp and what not was befor you guys why your not the originals. You are like I said carbears, the players in blood who ganked countless newbs ect were blood. You hid behind them the whole way without them blood would never be and you would just be some carebear fools.

Like saying our founding fathers are what made the united states what it was and is. You guys are just some carebear fools. Blood and koc is long gone like everyone knows.
claw storm said:
you guys still dont get it, you guys didnt make shit but a name, the idea of greif pvp and what not was befor you guys why your not the originals. You are like I said carbears, the players in blood who ganked countless newbs ect were blood. You hid behind them the whole way without them blood would never be and you would just be some carebear fools.

Like saying our founding fathers are what made the united states what it was and is. You guys are just some carebear fools. Blood and koc is long gone like everyone knows.

Kid you just dont get it... You where served already...
wow, thats really all I can say. Wow, I am afraid to post anymore on this thread, fearing his lack of intelligence will rub off on me. Specially since he signed up on our boards this year. Most of us have been here since we split the boards from the original blood boards and KoC boards.
I will have two questions to further embarass you...

1/ what did YOU make?

2/ how do you explain we started at 30 followers and quit when we were 20 000 followers... if not because we successfully did what we had planned to do (take over & secure grounds requiring wearing the tag to get access to them)?

claw storm said:
you guys still dont get it, you guys didnt make shit but a name, the idea of greif pvp and what not was befor you guys why your not the originals. You are like I said carbears, the players in blood who ganked countless newbs ect were blood. You hid behind them the whole way without them blood would never be and you would just be some carebear fools.

Like saying our founding fathers are what made the united states what it was and is. You guys are just some carebear fools. Blood and koc is long gone like everyone knows.

The only thing you'd be right about would be that a guild's leadership goes nowhere without members which is why we started Blood on DF with some of our longtime members.

Thank you for posting.
The worst part of this post and others like it is that they are posted by people with the intellectual level of a slug.

Did the way KoC / Blood play change? No, even on chesapeake and Siege the same mechanics were in place. (Secure our structure, develop our characters, and then dominate the retards)

I literally cannot take this retards post and change / point out his grammatical errors. I would have to rewrite the entire thing. Thats the worst part of retards they are so dumb they don't realize you are making fun of how their brain has not evolved past 16 years old. I will let the way this game plays out and the domination that ensues speak for me. I don't have to prove to some retard on the boards that we are more skilled and organized then he can ever dream.
I don't have to speak for the long storied past or about what we have accomplished. That doesnt matter the only thing that matters now is queuefall and how we will dominate this game.

Plus how are we going to expect this guy to even remember who we were he cannot even accomplish spelling at a 5th grade level.
What a fuckin' retard. I was there when we first went to DT and I was there when we got banned from UO. Zeke, Seth, Chupa, Syx, RaK have always been here. I have checked in and have kept updated on KoC for the past 10-11 years so you saying KoC/Blood isint what it was is total fuckin bullshit. I have and never will be a part of a group other then KoC that has remained so intact over so many years. Zeke was like a mentor to me when I was a teenager, where is the old man at??! Its funny to see though that dipshits like this never seem to go away and exist in every game.