Thanks for making Darktide what it was


New Member
Jun 2, 2004
First off I'd like to mention what a sorry state Asheron's Call 1 is in. I like everybody else have just given up on that bullshit. Every patch.. well you know.. it just keeps getting worse.

Further more.. I still log on to DT once in awile, sometimes WE. I look around at some of the old places that used to have high action, general fun ect..

I look back at the years during the Ab wars, the time before Ab. Us bloods in Lytel. I think of the fun that we had, we were like a biker gang. We rode deep as fuck, and nobody could ever fux-0r with us =D

I remember being in one of Blood's first Xp-chains that were opened to general members, I was level 66, which was real uber at the time. This when most of the Cores were 75-80. I was chained up with Dr Dolittle ( Jules Asner ) now KoS to Blood, sadly. ( well who gives a fuck really )

I just remember holding that fucking Ab LS, going in and out of the Irc chat, joking around with all the guys all fucking summer long, I never left home. Defending agaisnt the likes of The Dagashi, Blattos, Alpha-Male, all of Gen and their crew. Godmoding war spells all over Ab, I still have screen shots of some of the battle royales on my old pc. When nobody would fight until the other person was fully inepted lol.Those were Darktide's, well really Asheron's Calls golden days. You think that any of those white dot kids had that much fucking fun ? The-Gimps with Khao and those clowns..They wouldn't ever stop. All day for 1 summer, I remember defending that Ls, the pure fucking fun I had playing ac. Thanks to this monarchy, what they did for Darktide. Koc. Wow. Darktide at one time was a special place, even older times when I was a noob, seeing characters like Seventhsis, Gelfing the Elf, Schattenkind ( when he was active ) Kryzik, Xai, Motoi Ki-wan, Blaster... Wow Wow Wow .. The days that those guys roamed Darktide were a blast.. Just a fucking blast. Heavily populated server all the time. huge battles. Dungeon raids.. Man..

Ac used to be so fun...It was so incredibly fun, and its really become a totally different game. Its a big peice of shit now. Whoever the hell took over that shit sucks. I'll just remember the only MMORPG I really ever liked, and those 2 years when the game was honestly a blast. Darktide was a place that no other server could compare too, I mean, we had Og. Og himself, a DT legend.. He never said shit, he didn't care, his run skill was more uber than his Ua skill for sure. He was such a gimp, but he was PURE intimidation, he killed SO SO fast. You could never escape Og. We honestly used to think that Og was some Turbine input character, played by the devs. The first time I ever logged onto Darktide, I was killed by a level 33 UA char named Og. We had our own legend, a server mascot. Man, those were the days.

I log into Ac now, I see all of the 126+ fucken gimps, who will never have a taste of the fun I had back then, and I'm glad. These snot nosed pukes don't deserve it with their Piece of shit 126 characters spec'd in 3 different skills with all the bullshit skill changing quests. The standstill 1vs1 pvp, I used to soar full radars without gear, tapping the fuck outta my SPACE bar key, shooting wars on the run, while chasing down melees still trying to dodge my wars, Godhealing the whole way. Thats what Ac was about. Camping a fucking drop some newb portal logged in with 5 health. Characters like Goomp who were fucken jews you loved to hate, and chase around Shoushi. Kids like Seventhsis who talked so much shit you had to squelch. Players like the kind of people that played in HoS or BRN, how fucken noble they thought they were with their bows and arrows, and level 55 mages. Sad place as had become, the wars in Ab sometimes were so great they'd spill in Baishi..D-the-feared, Dvn-the Feared.. B IX when he went on Ebay.

Or that really rich kid who bought the nexus armor on ebay, and like everygood character that was ever for sale, Sendog ? some shit like that. Alberon Mindeater and how many noobs he had living in Fort Teth. How Landstalker used to jump over the walls, and slay everyone in town on our raids. Living at the Mtn Retreat after Ab went to shit...

The players, the Guilds.. the state of the game. That shit was healthy. Some towns were just pure ghettos like Rithwic, level 30 noob killing trash constantly camping..The shoushi outposts.. man.. wtf happened to Ac ? Fucken wrecked ass Ac.. sad.. so fucking sad.
yeah thats why i quit a year and a half ago, quit all gaming since then

now im just bored as fuck in summer waiting on my car project to be finished then im driving to LA

who are/were you?

"Alberon Mindeater and how many noobs he had living in Fort Teth."
wtf dont hate! also GEN = <3

youre not son of sam are you? no, who? i dont remember many ac names, been too long since i quit...

i <3 blood now but mountain retreat was mega rapage for blood, esp when we had like 2934809284029384023984 coalition of anti blood guilds camping :\

i have 18 gigs of ac screens on this comp and 4 gigs on my other comp, haha old school :D
This message only helps me reminous the great times of this game and it was honestly some of my more fun moments of my whole life so far (18 years old.) 10 of my friends or so and I played this game for about 2 years and it was awesome. In the summer for 01 to the X-mas of 02 was a great year and a half. Back when Blue was the highest level at like level 90. Pink Taco running around in a Pink robe pumping out war spells was a great thing also. I did not leave any type of big mark in AC my characters names were Status Quo and Zad. I was blood for primarily the whole time before that I was in House of Sagacious. One time we were camping Black Hill BSD so hard core we were getting portal storm warnings. The level of fun from me went in this order, the begining where I had no idea where anything was in the world hunting limestones at shoushi mtn retreat, AB days, Kara raiding days, Mtn. retreat (duping and other-self buff exploiting days), Queen days, to becoming an un-official core and helping the bloods keep the secret in the reroll macroing dungeons (rampager dungeon and olthoi dungeon.) These chain of events took place over about a year and a half and that time went by so fast. I loved the game so much that my grades dropped rapidly in high school but, it was well worth it. I tried playing other rpgs after AC1 such as, AC2, SWG, EQ, FFXI, DAOC, SB, and I can honestly say that none of those games come close to the prime of the AC days. The main reason for the enjoyment of the game to me would have to be due to the fact of the community that made me love to log onto everyday. Thank you blood cores for making this game so enjoyable.

-The original Status Quo
I remember those days, where did go too btw.

I used to always group with Archmage Lazerous and Archamge Nephelum, Tuff Stuff, and Bahwoot fun AB wars, where did you go. Turbine should roll back to mid2000 i wonder if we can petition them to as a joke... There is that website that is made just for things like this.

I was thinking about seriously joining again, but it seems as if anyone i knew left =/

I played:
Lazy Og, Lazy Dagger, Melazyboy, Lazy Fists. Only characters i created though i had access two four other accounts.
I want to play my dagger again before they made buffs last 1hr. god 1hr banes fucked him up.