stop picking your noise and play a game.


New Member
Jun 16, 2004
I have long been a proud member of the blood monarchy and owned numerous characters over the past years ? joined about 3-6months after game hit retail. Approximately one year ago I canceled subscription, still morning over Turbine?s decision to nerf dagger. (Ruined the game for me.) And just today I had this discussion with an old AC friend who told me of the announcement of another AC exp. Pack, I was excited and thought of KoC&Blood apparently I?m the only one. Any way, to the point, I was wondering if KoC was going to devote to *any* game at all in the near future. Personally I think the gaming experience if done right could be enjoyable even if it was a O.o game I think what needs to be considered is the willingness for people to administer the server for the game, more so than the game itself. ?Training? in Everquest (the art of pulling enough creatures to wipe out the group hunting at that location) as well as well as killing crucial questing NPCs became mildly amusing among other things; surly there must be other die hard old comrades that would be willing to wreak havoc on another game..

After all DarkTide is nothing awe inspiring and the existence of KoC would probably have never shot off if not for its open and blunt pro-cheating, one rule stance, and strong leadership. The idea of an un-consenting dueling system isn?t specific to AC, (though it is probably agreed that the older AC PVP system was much more engaging and fun than its alternatives) And dark tide would probably have never got me hooked if not for the enemy's blood created (everyone) and the fun of wearing such a hated tag.

When I started AC I was a sophomore in high school, now I am a sophomore in college, still facing the same predicament: boredom. KoC should formulate some plan to reunite the guild on some game. Another suggestion for the site should be a list of people willing to devote to any game unconditionally.. I have never made the ?koc? members list even after 2-3years as an active in blood, but a list much like it of people who would join any game and wear the tag is more or less needed in my eyes.

What about a call-out to all loyal to KoC to purchase Darkfall Online, be prepared to register on the _______ server/realm/world, and start in ______ town/location/zone with a tag preceding their name? Do you think a recruitment of 30 would be possible?
i think most of koc will play world of warcraft at least all the euro haters. So your best bet to find us as a group would be wow in the near future i would guess
Who would ever want to play a game with these retards. I mean they pay 9000$ for a website!
A) Your a moron for thinking anyone pays 9k for a web site.
B) Your a moron for trolling on a website that by your own wrong account is owned by morons...

Last i checked KoC originated in what PENN state..? the first KoC site was a flash site from the college.
Im gonna start playing SWG with a few friends if anyone wants to tag along. We will be very dedicated and hope to hit force sensetive slots fast and by using whatever methods that it takes. If you want to join us then just let me know.
No, I've been around the whole time, I just can't use irc cuz some cockrocket got my ISP banned, probably you.