So, I'm standing in the "Hunters Village"

Tharizdun =x=

New Member
Aug 19, 2004
The server has just came back up from maint. and low and behold, before me stands a dwarf named "HappyPants".

Nothing special, many dwarfs out there that looks almost exactly alike. What sets this particular dwarf off is the fact she has "In-Flamez(KoC) above her name.

An old name out of the pages of a history book, I'm thinking to myself. Maybe just coincidence. So I ask her and sure enough its the same "In-Flamez" from UO.

Well how about that, its a small world after all.

She directed me to here, and here I am. I've did some reading on your clan history, and I remember alot of it from the old days.

It's truly amazing to see the original bad boyz from UO still standing, with plans of chaos and carnage in their eyes.
I hope you arent talking about these guys. In Flamez cant even spell chaos.