You've been selected to participate in this week's RIFT™ beta event

w0000t. anyone else get in?
Serpentor said:
I got it for this week!!! 25-29th that's a damn short beta phase.

I believe this is the 6th beta phase, and they have all been short like that.
Kinda sucked, the last one I was too busy to play much during the 4 days, and didnt get to experince much content
I like it so far. I will be preordering if I like it past level 10...I do want to see the PVP
The PVP is a mix of World PVP and Instanced PVP. They have scenarios called Warfronts that you queue up for. You basically play in a cross server battle group of 4 servers each with two sides Guardian or Defiant. It's not FFA PVP. The World PVP allows you to summon high level NPCs to help raid outposts and towns of the other faction. You don't technically own these town or outposts but if left unchecked you can shut down a zone to the point that the enemy faction can not quest or level until they kick you out.

Here's the best part about that... the developers recently nixed that portion of the game in lieu of a more PVE friendly setup. The message boards went ape shit and the developers eventually re-implemented the feature for PVP only servers. Meaning the developers are listening to their community and have done so on more than one occasion.

The game class customization is more robust than most modern MMO's but it's not as customizable as AC, nothing will ever be that good again. The game looks like WAR and plays like WoW and DAOC.

I'm currently beta testing with the guys over at SA. They're on Defiant side on Lotham. If you anyone in KoC comes over we should try to make Lotham the PVP shard.

Edit: Oh and no looting, I would like to find a game with the AC system again one day.
By PvP Shard I mean the shard where all of the PVP guilds play.

I'm not entirely sure on the PVP Mechanic for taking over a zone. I'm only on my second beta with Rift and have spent the majority of my time build testing in pvp scenarios so I'm only level 20.

SA is something awful, they play in most games as Goon Squad. I don't think they're considered friends of KoC although I'm sure some of them have played with and against KoC in numerous games.

I mostly just came here to see if KoC was going to be playing rift, I've been visiting a few boards.
Ahh, well thats good to know...
We have quite a few who will be playing Rift when it comes out ( aka most of us preordered so we will be playing 5 days before launch) I'de estimiate 7+ of us
It looks like Goon Squad is going to follow along wherever most of the "PVP Oriented" guilds go for release.

Here's the world PVP thread on riftgame

http://forums.riftgame.com/showthread.p ... lds-Unite-!

I'm hoping you guys and whoever you know follow that thread and end up with the other PVP guilds for release. Right now it's looking to be Briarcliff for release but stay tuned if you're interested as the server names may change before the game goes gold.

Keep checking in here and keep us up on where people are going. I think I can speak for all Blood that we don't want to go to a dead server that says "PVP" with no pvp in it.