Off member list?

I don't know what part of the topic you are not understanding, so I will clarify BOTH parts!

The member list on the front of the webpage that gives the list of the members of KOC, I'm no longer up there for some reason, I was there at one point in time, but no longer.

"The IPY shit" being, when I played on IPY I joined up with Rages guild then moved onto "Cheat2win" or something like that Lakkins guild, Instead of joining the KOC guild because of the amount of new "KOC" member's I have never even heard of, and then there was hard feelings for fighting KOC.
Same shit happened on Novus, But every one got over it.
Maybe a few are still holding a grudge?
Wasnt it because you scammed members? Yup I think that was it. Douche.
DoOD, If you don't know what you are talking about . STFU K THX BYE.
First off, why the fuck would I scam KOC members for?
Second off, there was another "Slaveboy" that joined AFTER I quit playing UO,Pretending to be me.
Lot'a slaveboy fanbois out there, just cause I was so damn good.
And once I got ahold of some VET koc, he was 86'ed after they found out what was going down.
But the name was removed from the members list none the less.
If you have a idea get back to me, Don't reply just to talk out of your ass and PRETEND you have a clue, because RR there does not!
After 20min of a google search I found out what went down.
This guy would post on message boards as Slaveboy|KOC and someone gave me his "aim address"

Get paint: Is this slaveboy|drewkiller from koc on chessy?
Nauticabry: who is this
Get paint: Draco, you sponsered me.
Nauticabry: heh
Nauticabry: whats up
Get paint: Drewkiller?
Nauticabry: i dont play
Nauticabry: video games
Nauticabry: anymore
Get paint: it is you?
Nauticabry: im retired
Get paint: Lol was you was slaveboy|drewkiller right? You a hard mofo to track down, just searching forums and shit
Nauticabry: i havent played in years
Nauticabry: dude
Get paint: didnt you play IPY?
Nauticabry: ya
Nauticabry: of course
Get paint: Aint you playing UO:RED now? That's why Im hollaring to see if it's worth playing
Nauticabry: its avg.
Get paint: Ahhh ok...You still talk to KOC much?
Nauticabry: kinda...
Nauticabry: they are kinda lame
Get paint: Who was your sponser again?
Nauticabry: parthor
Get paint: I just been hearing there's alot of fakes runnin around pretending to be you.
Nauticabry: ok
Nauticabry: i dont play anymore
Nauticabry: dont really care
Get paint: That's I had to IM you, cuz only the REAL slaveboy would remember sponsering me.
Get paint: why*
Get paint: Also...Didnt Sethdrone sponser you? Wasnt your account banned for the siege gold dupe?
Nauticabry: we were all banned
Nauticabry: bro
Get paint: That's wild...Because back in 98'-03 I had a account Slaveboy|Drewkiller in KOC on chessy.
Nauticabry: what's wild/
Nauticabry: do you think
Nauticabry: i give a fuck about KOC
Nauticabry: or you
Nauticabry: or chessy?
Get paint: Well perhaps I give a fuck about some one using my account names to help boost there self-esteem
Nauticabry: self esteem?
Nauticabry: are you crazy?
Get paint: Yea, you preteend your another sad is that?
Nauticabry: you still care about
Nauticabry: 1998
Nauticabry: funny
Get paint: your still claiming it now
Nauticabry: i havent played
Nauticabry: in 2 years
Nauticabry: bro
Nauticabry: maybe 3
Nauticabry: good game
Get paint: So you still claim to be me tho?
Nauticabry: yup
Nauticabry: dont even know
Nauticabry: who u are
Get paint: Even in other games, like wow
Nauticabry: i actually joined koc
Nauticabry: to make money off ebay
Nauticabry: and scamming
Nauticabry: basically
Nauticabry: you were the biggest no name
Nauticabry: i could think of at the time
Get paint: So why do you still claim to be me? Even use my name on other games?
Nauticabry: i dont use
Nauticabry: that name
Nauticabry: i buy accounts on ebay
Get paint: stop using my fucking name to get you places
Nauticabry: since you messaged me
Nauticabry: im gonna come back
Nauticabry: as you
Nauticabry: for giggles
Get paint: Then come back, everyone know's your B.S that's how I got your contact
Nauticabry: you were below avg
Nauticabry: bro
Nauticabry: heh
Nauticabry: that's why i picked you to join koc
Nauticabry: to make MONEY
Get paint: You where planning on making money when I just IM'ed you?
Get paint: How does that work?
Nauticabry: im talking 3 years ago
Nauticabry: i havent played with them
Nauticabry: since they went back to uo
Nauticabry: but your "research"
Nauticabry: is so damn good..
Get paint: When I just IM'ED YOU, you STILL claimed to be me.
Nauticabry: but anyways
Nauticabry: have a good on
Nauticabry signed off at 6:44:01 PM.

How the fuck did this guy even get on the stone?
SB you've always had imposters since day 1. =\ I remember like 3 fake SBs that tried to tell me they were you one of the times i was talking to you in irc while he aimed me tryin to get me to friend his "other" char to our crib.