lo all


New Member
May 30, 2005
Hello. All Old KoC And BBs, i am Old chessa Player from Old Uo.

If you wanner play som Uo agen ther is now Open a free Shard osi clone Of the Old T2A system.

try and Look at This http://www.defianceuo.com/

The shard just open then its running on a 100 mg op and down server ther is placet in england.

its nice....

bye bye and have a nice day..... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Probably would be pretty fun but the fact that all these UOR shards have to make skill gain next to impossible. And this one is the worst of any of them yet with gains. I wouldnt mind playing but the whole gathering resources and working a character up in 3 weeks just does not sound fun after the last few shards that went under.

Ultima Online. FUN

lo m8.

the skills is not hard to get on this 1 its running like a old osi shard and like that. i made my mage like 100 eval in like 24 hours its fast... and you know how you making monny :)

bye bye :twisted: :twisted:

er.. 100 eval in 24 hours is nothing.. that's the easiest skill to gain besides med.

and how am I making money?
