Kicked from Clan?

Valas Hune

New Member
Jun 6, 2013
Hello. I've tried talking to Seth IG and on Ventrilo but received no reply. After a few minutes I was kicked from the Ventrilo server and a reason given was "spy". Can somebody please explain too me why I've been kicked and at least provide a good reason I was removed? I'd like to stay in the guild if possible but not if there is rampant paranoia. I play this game with friends and have met a couple of nice people in Blood, but if I'm just going to be given the old heave ho, my friends and I will go somewhere else.

Anybody can provide info please?
Sarphus, Gabrielle, Cryophilous are a few people I've met IG, spoken too on Ventrilo and hunted with (the last two especially). I wouldn't say we're friends per se, but had nice conversations with them. Is there any reason why I was kicked though supporting the conclusion of "spying". That doesn't make any sense too me. I have been active on the guild chat channel IG, the ventrilo server and active on my character.
Valas Hune said:
Sarphus, Gabrielle, Cryophilous are a few people I've met IG, spoken too on Ventrilo and hunted with (the last two especially). I wouldn't say we're friends per se, but had nice conversations with them. Is there any reason why I was kicked though supporting the conclusion of "spying". That doesn't make any sense too me. I have been active on the guild chat channel IG, the ventrilo server and active on my character.

Sorry man, I wish I could vouch for you, but I really can't. You seemed nice and all, but I only talked/played with you for 1 night at 1 spawn.
Yeah I understand and no worries. I think i'm going to just call it quits all together. A friend got me into the clan and I've returned the favor. Too much paranoia and not enough common sense going on for my liking. Have fun guys and see ya'll ig :)!
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