Just saying hello


New Member
May 25, 2012
Seth PMed my on the FoH boards, I converse with Pyros from time to time on the boards to reminisce about the good old days of Blood in AC Darktide, the sub100 days. Miss that game a lot. Anywho, Rak, Eight, Chupa, Nillz, Seth and a bunch others, how is it going!

To get an idea of how long it has been, I was in college, single. Now been married for 9 years with 2 kids. Seriously, wtf...

Playing Diablo 3, if you want to add me, I am Dis#1518.

AC Alias was DII-The-Feared AKA Dis-The-Feared
Yep, I am on pretty much every other night at around 8CST, crash at about 1000CSTish. Weekends I may up a bit later.