Interested in Blood


New Member
Feb 23, 2009
Good day,

I've been looking, for some time, for a guild/clan for Darkfall. I came across your post on the Darkfall boards.

I used to play Asheron's Call on Morningthaw for three years. I had a character up to 60ish in DT but he was never my main. I've been familiar with the Blood Monarchy from DT for some time (as most AC players), and would be very interested in joining your ranks in Darkfall. Understandingly, you are only allowing members previously in Blood. But, I would like to apply and be considered for the guild (when applicable).

I played AC on MT for three years. I also played AC2 and then bounced around MMOs (EVE, CoH, SWG) until sticking with WoW for two years. I left that game long ago and have been playing WAR. I will be leaving WAR for Darkfall on Wednesday (as many are) due to the poor PvP system. In WoW I was the Mage Lead for one of the top five guilds on the server, and I'm currently an Officer for my guild in WAR which is the oldest and largest active guild on the server.

From friends who were in BETA and from reading reviews, Darkfall is not a solo-friendly game. Playing with an active and organized PvP guild is key for me. I would like to be considered for membership when public invites are available.

Thanks for your time! 73.8% done downloading!

Hit some of us up when the game comes up, we'll add you to some groups when we're pk'ing or raiding something and see how it goes.
Thanks for the quick response. I'll look you up Wednesday. Just a bit more about me...I'm on the East Coast (DC) and I work 10 days a month on a 24 hour shift. So, I play often in the AM and afternoon hours when I'm off.

Thanks for the chat info. Well, after waiting in line I finally got through to their shop and bought the game.

What race is this guild predominately? After the servers come back up I'll log in-game and into chat.
