Encore Renaissance
The newest thing to hit uog, you guys should really come check us out we are in beta right now but it ends in 12 hours.
allthought i know you guys tend to like pre uor heres some of things that may appeal to you :>
We are an UOr server the name gave that away though i guess.
no trammel goes without saying although we dont just promote to pvpers.
need people to pick on too right? hha :>
smaller world > no we are not a custom map server we just use a smaller world places inclued will be...
and all areas included so plenty of space for houses [we will extend if needed] 1 dungion + we will have custom spawns like under bux maybe for a start. alot will depends on players opinions.
gains are gonna be pretty fast and in the first few days of the servers opening there will be skill ball handouts. + afk training is not illegal.
Our server is hosted on dual core 4400 connection with a massive backbone server you will pretty much ping under 200 your location wont matter as much :> this opens us up to a much bigger verity of players.
What special OSI like features do we have, what dont we have!
Ok for 1 im not going to say we are 100% osi pub 13/14/15 accurate but we are the closest ive seen.
Spell damages are correct to osi apart from lightening and fireball because we felt they needed increaseing otherwise it makes them useless.
Spell damage delays we have done alot of research into and i know this feature is perfect you will notice within your first duel on server :> or team fight for that matter.
nox rate is 64 percent gm vs gm skills although no one can ever know what osi was i feel this is allmost correct but we are allways open to votes and suggestions.
Our timers in general fast cast delays everything make the server not limited to one style of pvp/dueling like alot of uor servers do.
We have added everything that people miss from uor.
vanqs accualy being rare? yes they are hard to find a good one meaning we do accualy have some sort of money value in our econemy.
Every item added this included
all clothing with abilitys
all wepon specials
Hope too see you all soon we want big guilds like you infact we need big guilds like you :>
Peace/ Lead Gm Steve
ps. sorry for my bad spelling internet ruined it years ago haha
The newest thing to hit uog, you guys should really come check us out we are in beta right now but it ends in 12 hours.
allthought i know you guys tend to like pre uor heres some of things that may appeal to you :>
We are an UOr server the name gave that away though i guess.
no trammel goes without saying although we dont just promote to pvpers.
need people to pick on too right? hha :>
smaller world > no we are not a custom map server we just use a smaller world places inclued will be...
and all areas included so plenty of space for houses [we will extend if needed] 1 dungion + we will have custom spawns like under bux maybe for a start. alot will depends on players opinions.
gains are gonna be pretty fast and in the first few days of the servers opening there will be skill ball handouts. + afk training is not illegal.
Our server is hosted on dual core 4400 connection with a massive backbone server you will pretty much ping under 200 your location wont matter as much :> this opens us up to a much bigger verity of players.
What special OSI like features do we have, what dont we have!
Ok for 1 im not going to say we are 100% osi pub 13/14/15 accurate but we are the closest ive seen.
Spell damages are correct to osi apart from lightening and fireball because we felt they needed increaseing otherwise it makes them useless.
Spell damage delays we have done alot of research into and i know this feature is perfect you will notice within your first duel on server :> or team fight for that matter.
nox rate is 64 percent gm vs gm skills although no one can ever know what osi was i feel this is allmost correct but we are allways open to votes and suggestions.
Our timers in general fast cast delays everything make the server not limited to one style of pvp/dueling like alot of uor servers do.
We have added everything that people miss from uor.
vanqs accualy being rare? yes they are hard to find a good one meaning we do accualy have some sort of money value in our econemy.
Every item added this included
all clothing with abilitys
all wepon specials
Hope too see you all soon we want big guilds like you infact we need big guilds like you :>
Peace/ Lead Gm Steve
ps. sorry for my bad spelling internet ruined it years ago haha