I know this place..

dat steve

New Member
Dec 8, 2013
I feel like Jason Bourne. I was in this guild at one point, but don't know who I was or what I did in it. I played UO from 95-->trammel(whenever that was), had characters on Pacific, Catskills, Chesapeake, and UO-test/Abyss Test. I don't think I played a integral role in the guild, but some of the handles i MAY have used: Dark Sidious, slickshoes, Rixanne, Suik. I know there's more, I just can't remember. I know I used to PK in Moonglow a lot and occasionally Brit moongate and the crossroads. No idea. I'm confused how I remembered any of this. LOL.

It's been a while since I've played any MMO until recently, and I remembered KoC, because I had to come up with a guild name as I am in the closed beta of Wild Star(and liking it), and somehow it came to me.

I hope it's alright I use the name for the closed beta. It's just temporary! Take care.

your post confuses me too..

what are u asking to use the keeper of choas name?

If you had to create an account n log on a KOC guild forum after bein gone 15years good bet alot of them are still around

but not my call, im blood not koc