Howdy, question for everyone...opinions needed


New Member
Oct 8, 2006
Hey guys, Just my backfground-I was getting into PVP just as you guys got banned on Chessie. Quit about a year after UO:R was released. Quit playing games all together about 2 years ago.

Wanted your opinion on what you guys feel is the best MMORPG out there presently. I hear WOW is pretty hot right now, I last played DAOC...must add that leveling up is the more mind numbing than making a 7x (Well, macroing is fun I guess :P )

Thanks in advance ;)
I think your best bet is to wait around... I'm currently waiting on the next gen sort of games. I'm also waiting on some FPS games to come out. Quake Wars, Warhammer and such..