HELLO KOC! Miss you guys!

Remember me?

  • yes, you blocked me in with one too many single hit ogres in Wrong.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no, but I bet it was you that broke into my house.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • maybe, that must have been you crashing and lagging me with the 5000 gems on your tower roof. =)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Oct 8, 2004
Hey guys! I ran across this site doing a search and thought I'd drop a HIYA! =)
BTW... this is Chanel/Veronica/LootsitBetter! =)
Thought I'd let you know that I remember all the good times, and some bad, but it'll always stick with me! =)

I don't play anything anymore really, but that doesn't mean I won't in the future!
Long story short, I divorced that asshole husband of mine awhile back, finally got out of that backwoods crappy town and back to the Dallas/Fort Worth area where I belong. =)
Lived in Vegas for awhile though!
That was a blast!
Oh well, hope someone remembers me! =)
See y'all around! *wink*
Wow haven't heard that name in a while...

Get in IRC sometimes, you can usually find people in #koc-public on irc.sorcery.net
No travis. I did. Lootsitall showed me how long before he showed you euroites :)
1st person i ever saw do it was that Prick Mhoram. He did it to raggy house at DJ compound,we caught him but still was a neat thing to behold.
I went on a spree since i was self employeed and most people work/school. 3am weekdays id start north of DJ compound and spend 3-4 hours doing it.
Your thinking about Simkins dupe on seige DeFrag .............hehe

"Lootsitall showed me how long before he showed you euroites"

That wasnt the first houseloot..
I think I've used about 12 diff ways or more, starting from about a month after release on Atlantic :wink:
This may be about a year late but if you see this pm me. I check the site frequently. Would love to talk to you again.
<-would like to point out

I was using the old teleport into back right corner of house trick on Great Lakes WAY before I moved to Chessie and even met "Loots It All"

Why the heck do you think I named my second Chessie char, "Loots it Better" =)
I'd spend 15 hours a day looting (God I had no life!)

I probably had more stuff decay and disappear then what most entire GUILDS owned.

The day that someone figured out a way into my tower (after I was sure that it was safe) was a sad day! I lost so many rares that day!
Oh well...
Ancient history now!

Love you guys!
Hey girl didnt you see my msg. Private Message me on this page so I can give you my icq #. Ive been waiting a long time to catch up with you.