Greetings, I miss the old days, why must games suck now?


New Member
May 16, 2004
Hi all. Sup Rak, DK, Zeke, Sethdrone, splixx/chupa, Twisti, Crying Freeman, Solmyr, hell I even miss Zaq and the dozens of others I gamed with for years. Countless others that I would recognize.

Why can no game give what UO and AC once had?

I can't be the only one who gets weepy over the old days.

Im saying hello to all who know me? is there any place on irc to hangout? #koc-public and #worldofwarcraft are dead on sorcery.

What about a ventrillo??

My contacts are
icq: 8252778
msn: johnwarford at
UO is dead and can never be topped. Any other game just cant compete no matter how good it might really be, the two just cant be compared everything just seem's like a step backwards. Like a Herion addicted stepping down to crack. It will make do, but will never feel the same.
funny analogy slaveboy? i was/am an opiate addict, been clean for about a month now for the first time in a year...hence im trying to find a game that likes crack...too bad though

remember SoV? those boys are now in the canadian navy, i think they play wow

Upset customers bring no money to a gaming company... During our days can you imagine how many people quit over all the griefing everyone did within UO or AC? Eventually the companies all protected the Carebear type people by applying safe zones and neat quests and protected everyone's mighty new gear. Heck some of them are even starting to battle ingame selling of items via ebay. This has turned a great many people to other interests since the gaming world will really never be the same. Unless of course you like rounding 50 people up to do a raid or quest like the games today that last 2-5 hours.

Even Darkfall will be a failure like Shadowbane since they have only been announcing the game for years. I am sure the graphics engine would run on a Atari 2600 at the rate they are going. I think I remember them announcing it a year after AC or maybe two? The comedy that site brings is quite funny.

Nothing else out there really seems to be any good since the gaming companies seem to be catering towards nice items and pretty quests. But that is what pay the bills not the assholes that looted everyone dry 10x in UO before they quit. Ok maybe more then that. :P

I was actually talking to this guy the other day about his PK experience on a old AC server(Frostfell) and I just had to shake my head. PK switches, safe zones, new quests, items... I think UO was a lesson learned by every gaming company out there. I have to laugh at the people that call themselves PK's these days in these new games. I think everyone would agree here that played with us or against us in UO/AC. :roll:

When you find something that does not take months to level let me know. I need a break I think I just burst a vein in my head thinking about all these carebear activities. bye


Oh yes... and *wave* to everyone even the peep's that hate me.
Yea I member Souls of virute, You, Zues and something with a "P" been so damn long, Its hard to remember who was all who.
But I only use the analogy because I just quit Speed and tried to use cocain to step down, It got me by, but it wasnt nearly the same. (As UO to WOW)
But 2 months in, and I sleep from time to time now :)
Palin and Goldblade are who your thinking of...

Im giving UO one last shot...on Divinity, if that sucks ill try hybrid, if that still sucks I think this'll be the last time I try to play a mmorpg.

fuck maybe ill give WoW another shot, but I hear idiots talk about it at work and most of the shit I hear makes me cringe
Re: ...

splixx said:
Upset customers bring no money to a gaming company... During our days can you imagine how many people quit over all the griefing everyone did within UO or AC? Eventually the companies all protected the Carebear type people by applying safe zones and neat quests and protected everyone's mighty new gear. Heck some of them are even starting to battle ingame selling of items via ebay. This has turned a great many people to other interests since the gaming world will really never be the same. Unless of course you like rounding 50 people up to do a raid or quest like the games today that last 2-5 hours.

Even Darkfall will be a failure like Shadowbane since they have only been announcing the game for years. I am sure the graphics engine would run on a Atari 2600 at the rate they are going. I think I remember them announcing it a year after AC or maybe two? The comedy that site brings is quite funny.

Nothing else out there really seems to be any good since the gaming companies seem to be catering towards nice items and pretty quests. But that is what pay the bills not the assholes that looted everyone dry 10x in UO before they quit. Ok maybe more then that. :P

I was actually talking to this guy the other day about his PK experience on a old AC server(Frostfell) and I just had to shake my head. PK switches, safe zones, new quests, items... I think UO was a lesson learned by every gaming company out there. I have to laugh at the people that call themselves PK's these days in these new games. I think everyone would agree here that played with us or against us in UO/AC. :roll:

When you find something that does not take months to level let me know. I need a break I think I just burst a vein in my head thinking about all these carebear activities. bye


Oh yes... and *wave* to everyone even the peep's that hate me.

When EQ created "levels" it ended the market for good games.
What's up Famine. Like Slaveboy said UO was the top.

I'm playing DAoC ATM on Classic. It's pretty fun, and the PvP or RvR as it's called is pretty good, better than anything else out there right now.

Warhammer might be good. Mythic definately knows how to design pvp dynamics.

AKA Onyx Dragon The Pax Guard. HAHA
Some of you might know who I am some might not. I was with Oinland off and on for 4 years thru 98'-01'.

I agree 100% games all suck today compared to UO. I just quit guildwars a few weeks ago and im feeling blood lust pretty bad.

I also have just start a char on divinity. Maybe we can team up or fight either way its gotta be better then being a carebear!
Judas said:
Fuckin big artametshjgdsgdous what the hell have u been doin!!!

LOL What's up Judas. I'm on DAoC right now. Is there an IRC that you use regurlarly? All the old KoC chans are completely dead.
I put a post up but the old days can be back again I think with Vanguard. TAO from AC is playing on the FFA server. I can't wait to level up and start hunting my old rivals.

If anyone from KoC is creating a RPK guild on Vanguard please post up. Ahhh...The good old days may be back again...