FuturelandPvP Vs. KoC ???

jean michelle

New Member
Nov 8, 2004
:evil: :twisted: Hey, mokie especially to u and flexx and decay. me and eddieaka dakkon are playing this shard, its insta hally hits and it uor so its really fun and its like old school uo. like back when u had leather ands harm wands, but its uor so now u macro reel quick we got money. holla if any of you are interested. i wanted to ask zeke if he remembers when me death and ox keel him as zekes chaingun ezkill and ezekiel in a row. hehe if u think you would like to try to test >? bring your guild and lets rumble. if your scared its alright. i played wow it sucks. uo is still better and i think it would be old school tyope shit that u guys and some of my friends would be interested in .. raul if u out there u too. you niggas come try to get some,. ill help u gm your chars and then war u.. im calling u out . k KoC but no hard feeling i just need some good comp there.


1. Quit uo its going on a century now,IT FAILED get over it already

2. play wow or something thats at least been made since the new millenium.

3. stop stalking me nigger :!:

