Found my login

splixx said:
Yikes 32... not even saying my age then.. I probably have to be the oldest here now... =/

Oh wait Maybe that old ass bastage Ivan has me!!

HAHA! Nice... I'm 36... You gotta spill now splixx.
defrag said:
I'm at 27 now.. I was always one of the youngest in the group :)

Yeah defrag we used to be the young ones in the group!! I just turned 27 myself in january. I cant believe Zeke hasent broken his 40's! He was an old man when I joined at 16!! lol
mysticbob said:
gotta love still being in the 20's :P

Zeke is probably going bald and gaining 5lb/year by now

OMG Mysticbob! How are you man?!? Are you still in the Armed Forces?