Darkfall List

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hey im trying to get with u guys for darkfall, was gunna be trial for c2w at release, but since u are merging...

played chessy preuor-pub16 as Kuruption/Cerberus in Death Row
played UO player servers(IPY,UOG) as Kurupt
played with Oinland for a few years in wow till it turned gay and pve
yo bro add me! Im with you -
BBz Enslavement Machinary
my life for the horde - monkeys!

ima friend of a 1st era KoC and tha Divinity noobs!
fo sho sho

full looting - cool . im with u i hope my ping from germany does it.
does anyone have an ip of a beta server so i can try ping
Golden Master said:
yo bro add me! Im with you -
BBz Enslavement Machinary
my life for the horde - monkeys!

ima friend of a 1st era KoC and tha Divinity noobs!

Just to let you know this is not the group that ran BBZ in WOW. Acting like Flexx and the idiots that played with him will get you a quick boot from the guild.

If you are one of the few mature players they had then you will have no problem :)
Have they announced a list of servers yet? I didn't get into beta but I'll probably pick the game up on the 25th.
I basically just hung out on Laughing Skull after Flexx and crew left for Wildhammer...god that was ages ago.

Really looking forward to DF, I'll check the boards and get caught up
Lots of familiar names. I'm pretty sure I'll be trying darkfall out. I haven't been too interested in much since the good UO days. Was part of the glorious Marduke Empire, haha, before I settled in with OiN. iron chefs was fun as well while it lasted. I definitely would enjoy mixing it up with some of you again.

- ONyx / Loot Me
What up Eaga - Im ready to roll and glad to see some old school names. any chance you know what the system reqs are, i will probably need to upgrade
They really haven't said anything from what I have found. I will really be surprised if it actually releases on the 25th like they say it will. Still no pre-sale up.

I would assume that if you could run WoW/AoC/WAR you will be able to run Darkfall.
hey im interested in playing with you guys on darkfall... i played AC a long while back as god of darkness and a few other names... so if you wanna add me to the list my name will probably be Draken Black in Darkfall
The initial system requirements for Darkfall are as follows:
Operating System: Windows XP, Vista
Processor: 2.5GHz Pentium 4, or equivalent
RAM: 1GB for Windows XP, 2GB for Windows Vista
Graphics Card: 128MB PixelShader 2.0 support
Hard Drive Space: 12 GB Free Space Minimum

the gameplay is a bit limped, but rly seems to be a sandbox game...