Asheron's Call


New Member
Sep 21, 2010
I played AC like 10 years ago, lived up in GW under Lop, was a Jed'rath and had a great many fights with you guys =)

I quit MMOs for a long time but recently I got back into Asheron's Call. It is sparsely populated and the political structure of the clans is just lame so far as I can tell. There is no more Lop vs Blood (not that that was your biggest rivalry), there are just a bunch of random people that just fight and camp portals.

That all sounds well and good, I love PKing as much as you guys, but it has lost a lot of its meaning in its randomness. There aren't enough players to make controlling territory sufficiently interesting. Although some dungeons and places are still very popular all the monarchies (and general population) are so small that PvP in AC is closer to playing a game of Mortal Combat with some random dude in Thailand over the internet, than it is to having some serious PvP warfare in an MMO.

Sure its like 12 years old now, but it was/is a great game. The entire game from start to finish was wildly complicated, it took serious time and effort to master. I think that turns a lot of people away (the type of people that play WoW). Which brings me to the reason I am on your boards, posting this topic.

Any of you guys, from Asheron's Call, (the more experience, and longer you played the better) what do you think of the new MMOs out there? I want something as gratifying and complex as AC. Something where your in-game character isn't on some fixed (or semi-fixed) linear path to level 60. Something where your skill in making a character can have you owning people (Bloods :-) much higher in level, with much better weapons... And most definitely something that has FFA servers.
Well your about 2 years too late, you missed Darkfall which was pretty epic but has more or less died now.

Not sure what is next, maybe that star wars game? The other MMOs recently are pretty carebear ;/
I'm going to try out the new star wars mmo when it comes out.
I'm a big time Star Wars Galaxies fan, played it in beta and played it on the EMU. Certainly looking forward to the new release of SW thats coming out in 2011
Ya I need to figure something out. I'm still getting into AC... but the things that made it really great to me seem to have changed.

I love how they have the new hub quests. Get to 50 in a few days... woohoo. Its just kind of an illusion. They changed the game so much that at 50 you are still a hardcore noob. Its not like you can go from being a noob to intermediate in a few days.

Seems like items matter more than characters to a large extent. That bugs me. Everyone that is within my level (or well under) has the best armor in the freaking game. Its ridiculous to try and PK those people. I can have the best character for my level in the game. Dude has some cheesy freaking armor that reduces all my damage to zero... wtf, where is the fun in this?

Anyway I am just bitching because I got gang-raped by a group of near maxed out level characters 3 times in the past hour, lol. bah

I would be interested in trying a Star Wars MMO if it was anything other than carebear/fruity with linear character development.

I see people that are opposed to FFA servers and PK in general on boards saying "Its just a mathematical formula, if your a higher level your going to win over a certain period of time, everytime." Yuno, there right... The uncreative, boring linear development of characters ruins the idea of PKing for me. I would be opposed to FFA on these games to... Now I would never, ever play those games.

In games like AC the character development was so in-depth and involved that at 50 you could take down a level 80... and a 30 could PK you. Makes the hole thing more exciting and gratifying... Especially when you win a fair, fully prepared fight with a higher lvl dude.

Star Wars, eh?