Asherons Call history INACURATE


New Member
May 28, 2006
I was Pathion The Elf on darktide and i was never part of the towel monarchy.

I was in the mercs-> i was in group guild with Kaz-The-Unknown-> Tzar-The-Unknown -> Ethion the Elf-> and Gelfling the Elf. Then I was part of the Red Devil monarchy (when it just started) and then part of Blood monarchy. Which I find funny because blood was my vassal in the beginging of AC... anyway just thought id mention that and im sure nobody cares.
edger said:
I was Pathion The Elf on darktide and i was never part of the towel monarchy.

The history doesn't say you were in Towel monarchy.

As for your name being wrongfully mentionned, its possible, i'll have to check my SS sometimes to double check if it wasn't some other elf
yeah Kaz played a character "Angel"... we were in the Debbies monarchy at the start of the game. We went Merc and then when it split ended up with Red Devil. Then I took a break, and Kaz ended up at the top of your chains and 5x my level :P. Then when he hit like 220 he gave the account to another blood as far as i know.

Dunno i never lived in Lycenthrope or anything, I just used to pk the towels on my stops there.