Anyone remember this name?

Crom- Chesapeake

New Member
Apr 4, 2012
Just taking a shot in the dark. Played UO on chesapeake way back in the day. Trying to reunite with some great gamers. I see several names on here I remember including Sethdrone. I was thinking about the glory days and actually debating downloading a free 14 day trial for UO since Warcraft bores me beyond believe these days.

Oh well- hopefully someone remembers me.

If the name is familiar whos playing what/where.
hey Crom, I definitely remember your name from Chessy. Unfortunately there isn't much out to play right now....
I'll definitely agree to that. Feels like i've wasted seven years of my life playing WoW only for them to make it easier and easier on everyone. I did check out the post about Tera and it looks intriguing. I'll have to keep up on the forums here and see what everyone moves to because im over warcraft at this point even though i'll continue wasting my money.

Glad to see some of you guys still play MMOs. Is Rift what you guys spend time on now or just waiting?
Just waiting, we played Darkfall for a long time. Just played SWTOR for a couple months but it's like a bad copy of WoW.

Darkfall 2.0 is being developed, who knows when that will come out but it might be worth trying. Also ArcheAge is a Korean MMO thats semi-sandbox and may have some potential. But, for now I don't think people are playing anything specific.

Edit: it sucks too cause when SWTOR came out we had a huge crowd of old uo/ac people show up but the game just had no staying power.
Anyone planning on killing time on Diablo 3? I suppose thats my next adventure. Trying to play with some people i know to make it more interesting.
Crom- Chesapeake said:
Anyone planning on killing time on Diablo 3? I suppose thats my next adventure. Trying to play with some people i know to make it more interesting.

I'll be playing D3 for sure. I'm going to play DF 2.0 when it comes out as well, but I don't know if it will even make it out in 2012 so who knows. I played Diablo 2 off and on forever. I still hop on every once and a while haha.