
Arcos said:
I like how when you get Mcdonalds, you can always find more fries at the bottom of the bag....kick ass.

its like when you think your all done with the fries but when u look into the bottem of the bag and fine more... :shock: Ya Epicness....
I stopped playing Aion a long time ago. Turned out to be too much of a grind fest. Now I'm playing Starcraft 2!
SethDrone-=KoC=- said:
snake whats ur bnet name/id?

We may try out ffxiv, unfortunately sounds like its gonna be pure carebear ;/

What's your bnet name/id shadydrone!!!
SnakeEyes/881. I was actually thinking about giving FF14 a shot too to see how it is. Release should be soon I hear.
SnakeEyes said:
SnakeEyes/881. I was actually thinking about giving FF14 a shot too to see how it is. Release should be soon I hear.

Ive been in beta for about a month now. phase 3 concluded on tuesday, open beta will begin first week in sept.

Release is sept 22nd for collectors edition, sept 30 for standards.

Will it be a completely carebear game? yes.
Will it be the most advanced mmo to date with the best storyline, economy, player experience and visuals? yes.

IMO its the exact polar opposite of DF, the good and the bad.

If anyone does attempt open beta shoot me a message and we can link up.
SethDrone-=KoC=- said:
is there any pvp at all?

not as is stands, XI didnt release with any either, and ended up with a zoned capture the flag arena style 'pvp'. Nothing open world at all. I expect they will do something similar, but square keeps details really scarce.