Always hated you guys. Was fun to.


New Member
Sep 19, 2014
Hard to believe its been what? 23 years since UO came out? Insane.
Anyways, was always fun to play against you guys. You might not know this but one of DwB was a member of KoC but nobody knew but me. We looted the shit out of your castle of a ridiculous amount of regs one day. Just a stupid amount of regs. We put in DwB tower. As much as there was they might still be there today if the tower stands lol

Marv- DwB
GM DwW (war stone)
Hail Marv... You can find old UO peeps in our discord or the Ultima Online Discord if you're interested.

Or see BBz alive on Outlands UO server . =P

Just curious who was the KoC? =P A few are missing just curious if it was someone I wonder about.


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Hail Marv... You can find old UO peeps in our discord or the Ultima Online Discord if you're interested.

Or see BBz alive on Outlands UO server . =P

Just curious who was the KoC? =P A few are missing just curious if it was someone I wonder about.

I cant say lol. 20+ years later yeah but Id feel wrong in case they are still involved with you guys.

Id say we looted at least 25,000 of each reg