WTF ! homies


New Member
Apr 18, 2005
lol after trying the page every once ina while alla sudden bam you homos are back! :)

hows everyone? still gaming I see, wtf game yous all playing? WoW?

I been muddling along on pvp server still(daoc) getting all bored out nowdays time for a change:P

Whats up den i had saw that you had msg'd me a few days back in irc but i missed ya, Whats going on long time no see

why dont we all go back to playing uo on freeshards being as it cost absolutely no money and all the other games suck. especially you mokie,. btw u missed me in pcola i was there a while ago could not figure out how to get in touch with you . i was at ct funs you may have been there i saw a lot of fat queer asians there one of them must have been you =/ but i was afraid to walk up to any of them because i would surely have gotten no pussy were i to do so. IF WOW SUCKS GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL
im still not bored with uo freeshards are pretty cool im playin a euro shard and im rollin with the DJs from euro ....eld, demos..... come get some