This looks interesting

11.) Will there be PvP?

Yes, the game is open PVP with consequences and a sparring / training combat mode. In the early Prelude towns will be safe zones.

Win. On paper it sounds sweet, if you pre-order is that early gameplay opened up already or when does the early start go live?

edit: players on their forums seem generally displeased with the state of the game. So launch probably needs to add a lot of stuff or it won't be worth it for awhile. They also keep mentioning a game Earthrise that comes out in Feb as competition.

Anyone familiar with that game?
I know some people that are very high on Earthrise and looking forward to it.

Beta is going on now for it.
Wow, you should be angry that someone made an exact replica of your girlfriend furtin.... wasnt very nice of them.
or you can log in drop tag and join shock and awe an active aliance might be a good change for ya
i applied for the beta id buy it but from what i hear they dont even have stats on gear yet or any actual mobs think ill hold off on it till i can test out some combat not real big on crafting ;p even though the teraforming feature looks kick ass
AgentOrange said:
I know some people that are very high on Earthrise and looking forward to it.

Beta is going on now for it.

This releases Feb 4th, lootable pvp.. i'm really intrested in it after spending some time in the forums. i'll be buying it for sure.

Earthrise is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi MMORPG set in the distant future. Featuring a unique skill-based advancement system and player-driven economy, as well as extensive, meaningful PvP combat, Earthrise gives players countless options to forge their destiny through its sandbox-style game mechanics.

Q: Will battles over territories involve only single guilds, or can multiple guilds take part in attacking or defending a territory (even though a single guild still gains the territory)?
A: Yes, more than one guild may decide to fight for control over a territory, and more than one guild may try to defend the current controller of a territory. Guilds can cooperate together in a siege battle, yet not every guild will be able to claim ownership over a territory, and this will encourage certain guilds to offer their services as mercenaries, assisting other guilds in combat against the opponents.
then i shall see you in game :P darkfall pretty much done with for me since the people i play with dont wanna play with me anymore :(
wheres the fun in that ! its not as fun if the risk of wasting 50 bucks is taken away lol