

New Member
Sep 8, 2014
I uh...haven't been gaming much lately been busy irl
I also can't access my [KoC] mokie account as it is linked to either an aol or cox email from oh I don't know. ..16 years ago? :) Seth / Rak hit me up on here please to get that fixed

on a side note I'll be purchasing a glacier white ps4 destiny bundle tomorrow at midnight and will be on that shit ALOT over the next 2-3 weeks....add me on ps4 you know what the name is fools psn is plain and simple: "mokie" ( I'm OG like that)

Hope to hear from you all, I'll do on a better job of staying in touch...been a long ass time.

[KoC] Forever.
- mokie

(also fuck it, you can reach me on twitter @m0kie)
moooooookie! Just found you on twitter lol, glad you dropped by hope things are going well for ya.

Get ArcheAge, comes out later this week, forget that console shit.

Edit: found your old account, changed the email to the one you used to set this new account up. I'll pm you the pw, had to delete the email address on your new account as you can't have dupes.
Thanks (-S-) eth. ;p
Yeah i plan on getting a rig by the end of this year haven't even read a thing on arch,
The ps4 is mainly for media and a handful of games i like from sony to keep me occupied
but I haven't forgot you crazy fucks i definitely wanna get up some way, somehow