Rundy the troll

oh ya, rundy...

thanks for recalling the account you traded with HP... that he later gave to me... that i leveld up a fucking lvl 60 warrior and equipped him for MONTHS... you probably got like 10dollars cuz you didnt know what was on it.... RAWR

anyway it was like a year ago so i dun care anymore, fucking nigger
wtf mate....

you want it back?

WoW is gay....

ill give you it back... didnt know that was the account... :x

L2j 4tw 4000x servers...

BF2 is good
sorry havent checked these boards out for EEEVER, nah i dont want it back, you can keep it :P

cya in the next exploitable pvp game out there i guess, wow sucks, arenas are something to do, eve-online is ok but more like a job and pvp..., although very rewarding and it has REAL losses (way beyond AC ever had), its far between every pvp opportunity, and very little playing skill involved, just knowledge.