NEW New game u should try out


New Member
Jan 16, 2007
Hiya all

tried them all mmo except for darkfall because lets face it im now an old fuck (31) so i dont have the time commitment i once had to play games but yesterday i found this fucking jewel

Its pretty much like Starcraft Starship trooper map if anyone remember except that the bugs are playing an RTS and the human your playing an FPS and killing shit up like theres no tommorow.

I quit drinking and doing whitey 3 month ago and quit smoking 5 days ago and i can assure you the game does the job as far as stress pressure release is concerned.

its free and has micro transaction like any fucken asian games but it dosent compare to all the asian shit ass mmo gayness you can find on the market you just barely buy grenades and shit wich you can buy with game credit anyway so its that much of a problem.

im doing this cause you can earn refferals but i dont really give a fuck since the game dosent seem to have any sort of advertisement plus its damm well worth it , and as any pvp game the more the merrier !

Cleanstyl3 for refference :P

:RITALIN i still owe you a stat loss you prick ! :P
LOl tonight i found out this game

Lord of Ultima , its owned by EA , anyone feels like spreading fear and the ultima world again?

its a game that plays like mafia war but on the first look it dosent seem so bad and does the job as far a beating boredom goes.

im playing on world 7 xKOCxQBERTx KOC
an alliance existed already so i created K0C

also alliance name is

les hook up and show whos the Lords of Ultima.