My oldschool friends


New Member
Sep 13, 2009
Omaha, NE
Cant say i havent missed you all. KoC/Blood/SUN. atleast whoever remembers me from the original darkfall days. Situations have led me back to seeing how you all are doing and whats up. I know the last time ive heard from any of you all is when and my brother Lucius Wallace quit and gave our accounts away to our good friends Kiad and them. Heard about the whole Darkfall Unholy Wars a while back. never looked into it, but i may be willing to try it now im not sure. Would like to know what you all think, the ones i used to play and own people with. I see the forums arent all that active everyday, was wondering if you had new ones or if you guys are still around anymore. Let me know! Also if you have TS/Vent or whatever would love to jump on and chat sometime if i can!

Hope to hear from someone soon

-Zelfan Wallace
We have some guys in ESO beta and I think Rust. The DFUW ship has sailed, we all played at release but have long since quit. Currently waiting for something good to come out, nice to hear from you man keep checking in :)
Just added you to the DF NA private boards so you can see what we've been up to. I'm pretty sure most of our group will at least give ESO a shot.
Sweet. well ill see what i can do. Yeah just noticed the other boards. alot more recent chats there, ill be in vent as much as i can. maybe ill check out ESO more.