KoC on imagine-nation.net ?

Vhaeraun Baen're

New Member
Aug 15, 2006
was just checking out some UO public servers again and imagine-nation has a guild called Keepers of Chaos, was just wondering if it was some of you guys

Percival [Grandmaster Flash, KoC]
Mayhem [OOooOO, KoC]
Sven [Riff Raff, KoC]

dont recognize these names though
KoC is not officially on that server and those 3 names you mentionned are not KoCs for sure.
Yea I created it there. In:R is a re-opened version of an older sphere shard on the runuo platform. I created KoC on it back then as well (was probably 4 years ago) and we pretty much dominated it. Gonna attempt the same on the newly opened one.

And if you don’t know, I was –redruM-|LoD in kali, eventually which turned into KoC on chessy with da Bobs. I was even one of the first few Banana boyz (killing folks with newbie chars and magic arrow scrolls). I was in KoC since the beginning; however I didn’t follow em into AC. I played wow in beta with BBz (was Rummie), but didn’t hook up with ya’ll in retail cuz I stayed on archimonde. I’ve stopped playing Wow for awhile now, and pretty much just casually play uo and pk peeps these days. I play on that shard with some older KoC like dr.decay, basilisk, survivor, splixx, and killethyou. (all old LoD).

Ps. Flexx is gay
Splixx(chupa) is only name i notice.(not sure if thats even him)

I think a better name would have been LoD. Ive never heard of any KoC's still playing uo for awhile now. None of your names are on our members list so i wouldnt consider yourself KoC anymore.
I don't really think it hurts anyone they use a name on some frees hard where 200 people play. Rum used to play with Zeke and I in War2 and early UO. You bastages are all playing Party poker now!


Someone play bf2 with me... Or find a game that is fun. Wow has to be getting old... Who is still playing wow now anyone know?

I talked to Niller but it sounds like he has to give up gaming for the new lady. :twisted: j/k nil's
Well point is why use our name when they can make their own name? If they (you) were all in LoD use Lod.

Zeke and everyone else played with tons of people back then. Hell i remember when we were recruiting once a month.

These people arent on the members list for a reason.
Judas - I come to WoW and KoC public every once in a while but no one speaks. You can add me to icq. 352-182 if you still use the old ass program. :roll:

I'll stop by and say hi... but someone find a game to play. =( And something that wont take me 80 damn years to make a guy. =)

Hal- I am not going to argue about something so silly. If this was in some sort of game that everyone was playing it might be a big deal. The thing is I set the KoC stone gave it the name and red actually was one of the first 5 on the stone at the time. He also was one of the orginal 6-7 bbz that played back then. Yes Zeke played with tons of people and I think we all did. I think one guy noticed the KoC name on a free shard that probably I am guessing he is the only one that knew anything about KoC. So honestly is it that big of a deal? I apologize if you think it is a big deal I put a stone on a free shard with 2-3 friends. I think I put the stone on a few other free shards and played for months and no one cared. Basically no one knew who KoC was on those shards... After a couple years of jumping around having fun with people on these shards someone finally noticed and jumped on these boards and now it is a big deal.

Once again sorry... If you need to come take ownership of the stone on the free shard come play.

Until then have fun.... Sorry I interupted the Poker matches. :)

Someone needs to teach me texas holdem and I would not be stuck in games from the 80's.

stop the hate

heh chup, nto to far form the truth tho man.....still working in making the first little Nillers with the fro.....but they have let themselfs wait....hopepfully soon tho =))

I plays ome wow with B ully and another rl friend on a eu server.....when i play.....4-6 ouhrs a week at the max =)
I do, along with my RL best friend who played on chesapeake.
Excel/Nalius from Novus Opiate Seclorum (NOS) is playing there too
I mentioned the server to hahlucky on aim but i dont think hes interested :P
been trying to get ahold of decay too

I havent seen any so-called KoC other than 4 people logged in on the player list, guessing theyre all just macroing, redruM is one of them

server has been up for little over a month, strong player base and the pvp is like NOS was:

Move while casting
Cursor First, Then Cast
Recall is the only spell that can be disrupted
no skill cap, 300 stat cap (120 max in a stat)

ive macroed pretty much 24/7 for 2 weeks and im sitting at this:

Anatomy 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Parrying 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Detecting Hidden 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Tactics 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Snooping 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Swordsmanship 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Fencing 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Wrestling 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Meditation 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Mace Fighting 92.0 92.0 0.0 100.0
Hiding 89.4 89.4 0.0 100.0
Healing 83.6 83.6 0.0 100.0
Magery 79.8 79.8 +0.1 100.0
Arms Lore 68.9 68.9 0.0 100.0
Poisoning 67.1 67.1 0.0 100.0
Alchemy 66.9 66.9 0.0 100.0
Evaluating Intel... 62.5 62.5 0.0 100.0
Tracking 58.9 58.9 0.0 100.0

had a fun pvp fight 4v4 last night
not sure how long it will be until i get bored but im definently having a blast atm

also, eval int and resist spells do nothing

if anyone wants to play (ginger) look me up on aim, name is Cackfiend
Chupa sorry I never got up with you on BF2. Just didnt have the money to buy the 2 games at the time and wanted to try out wow first. Priv me sometime man well talk.
Ginger said:
WoW is gay Quit Brook.....

I will as soon as a game worth playing comes out. Otherwise I am stuck in that shit. I talked to Mokie the other day, Fucker was playing an alli. lol. Noob!