

New Member
Jun 11, 2004
Southern California
Havn't been around for a while, I'm an old blood member. Zeke should remember me I think. Para G.

My reason for posting is to find out how exactly the guild system works for KoC and the expansions it creates.

I mean I know from experience how it works but I can't seem to put it into words.

I don't think you have rules, just a mutual respect for one another. And you set up leadership in whatever game you play. But for the most part you all have the same amount of control in the games you play.
When everyone hates the monarchy, and you join it you learn to like those in it, or you leave...There is no real secret. When I joined blood it was appx 3months after game went retail I remember someone talking to me in one of the very old pk monarchs I was in explaining you kill those with this tag, __, __, __ - they are enemy?s; and those that annoy you with these tags you can kill __, __, __ -the are neutral; oh yes and anyone with that tag ?blood? is a renegade exploiter and you have to kill them or run because they will kill you without thinking.. That same day I went to shoushi and was killed like 100 times by this level 30ish char I believe his name was ?My name is joe? or something like that ?joe? seems to sound right any way that was along time ago, I remember looking forward to joining blood then. After a few good slaughterings by Archmage Lazerious I remember swearing to his vassel Bahwoot, I have kept my active characters in blood ever since.

Alternatively, there are even more people that joined blood and left ? they were the weakest link and still to today this is what I saw as the biggest flaw in the leadership wiping the ban list, and being so lenient towards guild hopers. Blood was so much fun before it was the majority.