Hail and well met !

What are the odds of some other Konstas lurking on an old chesapeake guild's message board? How's life?
Old school wars? I thought I was going to see some DL action.
We have been having a battle with cancer with my lady for the past year and half. Things are looking up now... 7 surgeries later and 3 chemo sessions. Other then that just killing in BF2 when I have the time. I still use x-fire a bit if your bored... :P

I need to load up a Virtual Machine and put ICQ back on soon too.

What you up to?
Thanks niller! 4 more weeks of chemo treatment and we should see a bit of light soon. Thanks. I hope all is well with your new family as well. :)

What are you all playing? If you see Fzuul say hi and anyone else I know for that matter. Been a long time.
4 more weeks, man i hope it turns out good chup!
My little famely is comming along fine man, im getting a new addition in mid january...a little girl her name is going to be Alma Elisabeth. I personalley dont play at all anymore...maybe a game of dota now and then...i see Fzuul once in a while....but rareley now when i aint playing, were having the anual christmas gathering this december with the SUN`s ill say from you then.
Let me know how it goes man =)

Looks like Mrs Niller put the hammer down.. :(

You gotta beat her and get her in her place man! hahaha
Niller said:
4 more weeks, man i hope it turns out good chup!
My little famely is comming along fine man, im getting a new addition in mid january...a little girl her name is going to be Alma Elisabeth. I personalley dont play at all anymore...maybe a game of dota now and then...i see Fzuul once in a while....but rareley now when i aint playing, were having the anual christmas gathering this december with the SUN`s ill say from you then.
Let me know how it goes man =)


Sounds good Niller... tell the rest of the fella's I said hi too. Haven't seen much of any SuN's on icq...