DRAGONX and more

LoL Dragon always did have a way of exagarating the truth excessively. He was an alli of mine when we warred KoC and MoA at the same time. But as soon as he saw me join KoC he never spoke to me again. LoL. He and the fucking retard Voyager always tried to double up on me!!
heh... found me :)

this one actually has sinister paws in it... a tear came to my eye =[
never could get the right damn color to match her cloak


me dead as a deathjester :D

heh and a pic of my brother while he was in MoA, quite possibly the worst pvper in the history of chesapeake. and definently the worst pvper for the original ranks of KoC, MiM, AND MoA (i think he was in each guild 2 weeks max)
Holy shit that brings back alot of memories. Sucks I cant find myself in that archive anywhere. Ohh well, I was just the flea on a dogs balls on chessy.