ArcheAge server: Tahyang - Eastern side

Holy Queue batman!

I'm going to play - played as Strider X on Darktide and most recently as Ogg Oneeye in Darkfall.

I haven't done any reading really about Archeage, but it appears that I'll have plenty of time to do that in the queue!
haha, sup man. The queue's are a joke but hopefully they have a solution for those in the works. I'll add you the priv boards so you can get the mumble info etc.
They are adding a bunch of new servers supposedly tonight.

Btw this is Marv from DwB/DwW(war stone)/LoV not sure if anyone remembers me. Anyways, are you guys still on the Tahyang server? If so and your looking for members let me know. Looking for a good pvp guild.
yes, we're still there. Just message one of us in game.

That is if you can get in past the queue! Also, message Flappy instead of Flappination. I'm usually on Flappy.
This is tsalin from -s- chesapeake, jugger from TCA on DF EU and DF NA. I made a lowbie caster on Tahyang and was looking forward to joining koc/blood but i guess they need to get this 8 hour queue shit ironed out before ppl can get together. cya in there soon.