Anyone out there playing?

In Flamez -=KoC=-

New Member
May 13, 2004
if anyone is interested in playing L2 with us message me on im always in #koc-public and my nick is ]In-Flamez[KoC]
What server?

Heyas Flamez, what server do you play on? I know Cara is running around on Bartz.

Unfortunately, I'm over on Kain, so unless they allow server transfers I might be out of luck. I'm just hope castle sieges are decent and they fix the Red/PK system so you can fight back without additional karma. Otherwise, this game won't have much PvP appeal.
We are on Bartz also...

we started a clan, and are working on getting it lvl 2 now.. so if they allow char transfers, get a hold of me or flamez :)
yea the wedding went great.... life is good... and most of us play on bartz... we have a guild and ud be more than welcome to join us if u came (Seeing as it is still less than a month in and all)